Friday, December 12, 2008

Just wondering

Hi everyone,
I guess I’m a bit confused. I make videos, I take the time to film them and edit them. It is not easy and it takes time to make these. I do enjoy it and it was nice to be recognized from Machinima and asked if they can sponsor them.
I have to thank the individuals that appreciate this and who watch my videos with the knowledge of this. Thank you
Then there are the hater’s out there that feel that they know what is good and what is bad. They feel that they can make better videos then mine. But, at the same time these are the individuals that have no Videos.
You know, my ideas will not appeal to everyone. I know this, and my videos are made with fun in mind. Why can my fellow YouTubers just watch them and enjoy them for what they are. If you do not enjoy them then stop watching, but why leave hate comments. Why be negative, we live in a tough world already lets just try to be nice and stop being mean!
I will continue to make videos and yes I will get better the more I do. I make my videos on Xbox 360 not a PC. I right my own stories or reenact stories that you may recognize. I do not follow the campaign of the game; I use the game as a medium.
I produce movies on games that do not offer Machinima and or Theater settings, take this into account of the quality.
Please overall just enjoy.


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